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About The Justice, Development and Peace Commission


a community where justice and promotion of human dignity are held sacred; such that all are fully alive and active through the realisation of their full potentials in a just, safe and free environment.

the promotion of holistic human development through conscientisation of people who are central to sustainable and meaningful development.

  • inmates and ex-inmates of prisons and their families;
  • the underserved, located mostly in the rural areas;
  • People Living With HIV & AIDS;
  • women associations;
  • farmers’ groups;
  • youths.
  • to promote the Christian principle of love of God and love of neighbour in our society;
  • to promote human rights as entrenched in the UN Charter and the Banjul Declaration on Human Rights;
  • to form and animate groups to participate in their own development;
  • to make a preferential option for the poor and marginalized as well as identify unjust structures and take corrective actions;
  • to promote the culture of peace through sensitisation and training of the citizenry in civil peace concerns;
  • to promote Catholic social teaching;
  • to cooperate with international agencies, government and NGOs for integral development;
  • to research, document and publicise information on social issues.